Recent Commits to NES-Open-Switch:master

Saturday, October 31, 2015

GMPLS update - 31: optimizing standard extended cross-connect entries

#Updated #standard #extended #cross-connect agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard MPLS #cross-connect entry based #indexing. This will access the standard extended cross-connect entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard extended cross-connect indexing used earlier. The standard extended cross-connect entries has been embedded in the standard MPLS cross-connect entries. The standard extended cross-connect entries holds the #attributes like the #tunnel #pointer and #opposite-cross-connect #pointer, etc ...

#GMPLS update 31 ...
[commit 992b65d525e773648f10b09856eec7d90765ea7f] (

Friday, October 30, 2015

TED update - 13: optimizing TE-Link link-reservation entries

#Optimized #TE-Link #link-reservation entries in TED module. The #reservation #priority has been added to the link-reservation entries, so that #preemption feature can be optimally implemented for #path #computation procedures. The #link-reservation #index has been made #compact by removing the 4 integer indexes and #replaced them with a #generic 16 byte #wide #index. This helps to keep traffic-engineering module to be less specific to the MPLS framework, as the generic index can be used from other modules as well. Also this makes link-reservation database more easily usable. The #preemption is used for #high #priority #path #setup #requests in the #traffic-engineering module. Preemption is used when #resource #crunch is experienced on a TE-Link for these requests. The #previously placed #low #priority resource #reservations will reused for performing current high priority request. The existing low priority reservations of will be either #teared #down or #moved to a different TE-Link. The bandwidth that got available from handling the low priority reservations will be used for current high priority path setup request.

#TED update 13 ...
[commit dcc8fa6c7a1eeddf3954da8671719bdb4ed62d25] (

Thursday, October 29, 2015

TED update - 12: optimizing TE-Link switching-capability (ISCD) entries and adjustment-capability (IACD) entries

#Optimized #TE-Link #switching-capability ( #ISCD ) entries and #adjustment-capability ( #IACD ) entries in TED module. The TE-Link switching-capability and adjustment-capability #configuration entries has been made #compact #by making the #bandwidth to #64-bit #fixed size #format. The generic variable size format for these parameters takes quite some memory space. The #switching-capability and #adjustment-capability #configuration for TE-Link #component-links also has been #compacted in the same way. The #switching-capability configuration has #max-lsp-bandwidth for each of the 8 #priority values and fixing them to 64-bit will get ride of the 8 size fields of these parameters reducing the memory size. The #max-lsp-bandwidth is kept in #64-bit #floating-point #format which is always exist as a fixed format. The #adjustment-capability configuration as well has 8 #max-lsp-bandwidth fields for each #priority values, this too has been optimized in the same way.

#TED update 12 ...
[commit 31ff9d5adba547ada03c7c10996ae817f3ff97c1] (

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

GMPLS update - 30: updating standard GMPLS in-segment parameters agent mapper routines

#Updated #standard #GMPLS #in-segment parameters agent routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard #in-segment #based #indexing. This will access the GMPLS in-segment entries #embedded #in the standard #MPLS #in-segment entries and there by removing the redundant indexing. The standard GMPLS in-segment entries holds the #attributes like the #segment-direction and #pointer to the #external segment #parameters, etc ...

#GMPLS update 30 ...
[commit 1d5df5dcf4ba23d8155e453e36fd80e7e83bde8a] (

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

TED update - 11: renaming standard TE-Link switching-capability (ISCD) entries

#Renamed #standard #TE-Link #switching-capability ( #ISCD ) entries in TED module. The TE-Link switching-capability configuration entries has been made straight forward by correcting it's name. The TE-Link switching-capability entries contain #attributes like #min-lsp-bandwidth, #max-lsp-bandwidth for each #priority, #interface #MTU, SONET / SDH type, etc ... The switching-capability entries are identified by their #switching-type and #LSP-encoding types. The same information has been updated for the counter parts from the #component-links as well.

#TED update 11 ...
[commit 51fd4675bdbdfe0983f6bb82406b5a7d00e6c150] (

Monday, October 26, 2015

TED update - 10: adding local and remote IP address based index for TE-Link

#Added #local and #remote #IP #address based #index for #TE-Link in TED module. This will enable to #access the #TE-Link entry based on it's #local-ip-addr and #remote-ip-addr #indexes. This will help to look-up TE-Link entries from the address information. The IP #address on the TE-Link can assume #IPv4, #IPv6 or #un-numbered address #types. The #local #address part of the TE-Link is an #operator #configuration and #remote address part is #dynamically updated as part of the #signaling. The remote address can also be statically updated by the operator in certain scenarios. This helps to efficiently map the TE-Link entries from the address index.

#TED update 10 ...
[commit 2074c5f523fd2e8f47a30021c8af1e9f9216f230] (

Sunday, October 25, 2015

TED update - 9: renaming TE-Link un-numbered identifiers

#Renamed #standard #TE-Link #un-numbered #identifiers entries in TED module. The TE-Link configuration entries has been made straight forward by correcting un-numbered identifier names. The TE-Link entries contain #attributes like #local-id, #remote-id will hold the local and remote #un-numbered #identifiers on the link. The attributes #local-ip-addr, #remote-ip-addr will contain the #IPv4 address of the #parent #numbered #interfaces and the #address-type will indicate as #unknown to identify the un-numbered identifiers type. The un-numbered identifiers is also updated in the #link-address database for efficient TE-Link look-up.

#TED update 9 ...
[commit e372b29c1848aaba6524e9f2cde75671b88137c4] (

Saturday, October 24, 2015

GMPLS update - 29: optimizing custom MPLS in-segment entries

#Updated #custom #MPLS #in-segment agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard MPLS #in-segment entry based #indexing. This will access the in-segment entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the custom MPLS in-segment indexing used earlier. The custom MPLS in-segment entries has been embedded in the standard MPLS in-segment entries. The custom MPLS in-segment #entries add support for #media #specific labels ( #Ethernet / #SONET / #SDH / #OTN ) by maintaining the GMPLS #label-type and #label-value #attributes.

#GMPLS update 29 ...
[commit be81b3fac7f307c6fe0f37433bebd4a25bd5f63b] (

Friday, October 23, 2015

GMPLS update - 28: adding cross-connect based index for MPLS tunnels

#Added #cross-connect based #index for #MPLS-tunnel in GMPLS module. This will enable to #access the #tunnel entry based on it's #cross-connect #index. This will help to #look-up tunnel entries from the cross-connect information. This is used to #pass the #trigger #to the #tunnel on #cross-connect level #changes. This helps to efficiently map the tunnel entries from the cross-connect index.

#GMPLS update 28 ...
[commit dbc89e090ebf006ac0ef4857af8d59c55209fee1] (

Thursday, October 22, 2015

GMPLS update - 27: optimizing standard GMPLS tunnel actual-path entries

#Updated #standard #GMPLS #tunnel #actual-path agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard MPLS #tunnel #actual-path entry based #indexing. This will access the hop entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard GMPLS tunnel actual-path indexing used earlier. The GMPLS tunnel actual-path entries has been embedded in the standard MPLS tunnel actual-path entries. The standard GMPLS tunnel actual-path #entries add support for #in-segment #counter #attributes like the flags indicating whether #hop-forward-label and #hop-reverse-label are present or not, the #labels them selves and the #pointers to the external labels, etc ...

#GMPLS update 27 ...
[commit caff8e58c486b487f4852484d5ec42ca09dc5470] (

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

GMPLS update - 26: optimizing custom GMPLS tunnel entries

#Updated #custom #GMPLS #tunnel agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard MPLS #tunnel entry based #indexing. This will access the tunnel entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the custom MPLS tunnel indexing used earlier. The GMPLS tunnel entries has been embedded in the standard MPLS tunnel entries. The custom GMPLS tunnel #entries add support for #attributes like the #call-id, #cross-connect-index, #resource-index, #path-computation-model, #re-optimization-enable, #diffserv-type, etc ...

#GMPLS update 26 ...
[commit 2cd5c4e10f878b4538be91522ffeeaf8e6ef85a2] (

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

GMPLS update - 25: adding standard extended LSR parameters

#Added #standard #extended #MPLS #LSR #parameters in the GMPLS module. This include the #extended #cross-connect #parameters as well. The extended cross-connect parameters add support for the bi-directional tunnel LSPs. The respective tunnel is referenced through the #tunnel #pointer and the cross-connect for the opposite direction is referenced through the #opposite-cross-connect #pointer. The cross-connect pointer is used for the #co-routed #bi-directional #tunnels and #associated #bi-directional #tunnels.

#GMPLS update 25 ...
[commit 6d6c30ff6e5fbcb2a653c34397e18472e5c5c002] (

Monday, October 19, 2015

GMPLS update - 24: removing standard CRLDP resource entries

#Removed #standard #CRLDP #resource parameters from the GMPLS module. These entries holds the #CRLDP specific #resource / #bandwidth #information. Since these attributes are not used they were removed from the management framework. The #standard #resource / #bandwidth parameters are used for the specific requirement. Hence unused entries are removed.

#GMPLS update 24 ...
[commit fddb80eb9e62f0efface04d5563d09da9c830304] (

Sunday, October 18, 2015

GMPLS update - 23: optimizing standard GMPLS in-segment entries

#Updated #standard #GMPLS #in-segment agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #in-segment entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard GMPLS in-segment indexing used earlier. The GMPLS in-segment #entries add support for #in-segment #counter #attributes like the #segment-direction and #pointer to the #external #parameters, etc ...

#GMPLS update 23 ...
[commit 317011b8c7a54c777ca5254cc5bc7cb8c6ec8022] (

Saturday, October 17, 2015

TED update - 8: adding TE-Link reservation database

#Added #TE-Link #reservation parameters agent routines in TED module. On #LSP #reservation on the TE-Link an entry is made to keep #track of the #reservation just made. These entries hold the #bandwidth information related to each LSP reservation. On creating a #in-segment over a #mpls-interface, a reservation is done over the respective TE-Link and #link-reservation entry is created. On events like #protection #switching or an #LSP #tear #down the respective link-reservation entries will be appropriately handled. This stands as a #database of all the #reservations done in the system for various services LSPs. This allows to avoid complex cases as #double #reservations, where #backup or #detour #paths are involved. The #bandwidth consumed by each reservation is marked in the #link-reservation entries and when #make-before-break ( #MBB ) use-cases are involved it helps to get current #reservation and make #changes accordingly.

#TED update 8 ...
[commit 9bea6e0c39a5d80ccab1a8244a677f65955a1ee8] (

Friday, October 16, 2015

GMPLS update - 22: updating mpls-interface statistics parameters agent mapper routines

#Updated #mpls-interface #statistics parameters agent routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard #mpls-interface #based #indexing. This will access the mpls-interface statistics embedded in the mpls-interface and there by removing the redundant indexing. The mpls-interface statistics entries holds the attributes like the #count of #in-coming and #out-going labels in use, count of #in-coming #label #look-up #failures, count of #out-going #fragmented #packets, etc ... The mpls-interface statistics entries are linked in to the mpls-interface create / remove API, so as to create the statistics entries on creating / removing the respective standard mpls-interface.

#GMPLS update 22 ...
[commit eb329e374915b16801e57ff4886df01a0a6499b0] (

Thursday, October 15, 2015

TED update - 7: adding inter TE-Link cross-connect parameters

Added new node level inter #TE-Link #cross-connect information in TED module. This enables to draw the #possible #cross-connect #constraint present between TE-Links of a node. When this configuration is present in a node, that will be the only possible cross-connects between the specified links. But on the absence of this configuration in a node, links can be inter-connected in any possible combination - i.e. no constraint exist for cross-connect between links. When the #cross-connect is between TE-Links of #different #media #types, a possible #media #conversion has to be performed as per the #adjustment-capability information configured. Hence the TE-Links involved in a cross-connect may be part of same media layer or different media layers. On nodes with #hardware #constraint on link cross-connect this information will be useful in expressing the limitation. This could be used to #compute #path for #tunnel #LSPs in complex networks.

#TED update 7 ...
[commit 9f54195ad7587eb0e6abc23f23426f1a0f7a4160] (

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

GMPLS update - 21: optimizing custom label-stack entries

#Updated #custom #label-stack agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #label-stack entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the custom label-stack indexing used earlier. This will reduce the memory requirement associated with the custom label-stack entries.. The custom label-stack #entries add support for #label-stack #attribute s like GMPLS #label-type and #label-value, etc ...

#GMPLS update 21 ...
[commit c82d8945f808c023507bfa9e2b2a23d7f12770bc] (

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

TED update - 6: renaming standard TE node entries

Renamed #standard #TE-node entries in TED module. The TE-node configuration entries has been made straight forward by correcting it's name. The TE-node entries contain #attributes like #node-id, #autonomous-system-number ( #ASN ), #country-code ( #CC ), #itu-t-carrier-code ( #ICC ) and a local node index for unique reference. This enables to refer the nodes in the network using either using the ASN or the ITU-T based ICC addressing scheme. This also serves as a #database of all #known #nodes in the system. When new nodes gets discovered by the TE signaling modules (e.g. OSPF-TE, ISIS-TE) a dedicated entry will be created for each node, so that it can be referenced in remaining parts of the system (e.g. endpoints of TE-Link). The TE-nodes will be referenced as source, destination or the intermediate nodes of an tunnel LSP path.

#TED update 6 ...
[commit dad1472900d98945f8807cd3103518fd8a4e3463] (

Monday, October 12, 2015

GMPLS update - 20: optimizing standard in-segment statistics entries

#Updated #standard #in-segment #statistics agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #in-segment entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard in-segment statistics indexing used earlier. The in-segment statistics #entries add support for #in-segment #counter #attributes like #packets and #bytes #forwarded, #packet #errors and #discards during #forwarding, etc ...

#GMPLS update 20 ...
[commit 12b8b59c0672cb1ff54ed930d4897551724e9cfd] (

Sunday, October 11, 2015

GMPLS update - 19: optimizing standard GMPLS tunnel reverse statistics entries

#Updated #standard #GMPLS #tunnel #reverse #statistics agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #MPLS-tunnel entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard GMPLS tunnel reverse statistics indexing used earlier. The standard GMPLS tunnel #reverse #statistics #entries add support for #LSP #counter #attributes like #packets and #bytes #forwarded, #packet #errors during #forwarding, etc ...

#GMPLS update 19 ...
[commit 236a40dc77396b09e6788091970c9dbe2097dab2] (

Saturday, October 10, 2015

GMPLS update - 18: optimizing standard tunnel statistics entries

#Updated #standard #tunnel #statistics agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #MPLS-tunnel entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard tunnel statistics indexing used earlier. The tunnel statistics #entries add support for #LSP #counter #attributes like #packets and #bytes #forwarded, #packet #errors during #forwarding, etc ...

#GMPLS update 18 ...
[commit e1f52397ae0fc68623e98bba97bc668e766996ae] (

Friday, October 9, 2015

TED update - 5: adding TE-Link adjustment capability parameters

Added new #adjustment-capability ( #IACD ) information both #on #TE-Link and the individual #component-link level s in TED module. The adjustment-capability enables to capture the #capability and #capacity of each node to #perform #media #conversion #between it's #TE-Links ( #Ethernet-to-SDH, #Ethernet-to-OTN, #OTN-to-WDM, etc ... ). The adjustment-capability indicated as the #higher and #lower #layer #switching-type and #LSP-encoding #of a possible #media #conversion and #bandwidth capacity is indicated per #priority. When a node has different types of - media - TE-Links and it is possible to forward data-stream between these links the internal capacity of the node to perform this conversion is indicated as adjustment-capability.

#TED update 5 ...
[commit 7e2c2086756a59df15b2f5303b205e3da3cafce6] (

Thursday, October 8, 2015

TED update - 4: adding extended TED parameter framework

Added #extended #custom #TED #parameter s in TED module. The new TED #framework include #node, #link, #link-address and #node-adjacency #databases on the network. The node database include s all TE nodes present in the network. The TE-Links configured on each node is captured in the link database, the addresses by which the links are identified is available in the link-address database. The adjacency information between the nodes and their neighbors are available in node-adjacency database. The #locally #configured #TE-Link information is directly fed to the TED database, also the #TE information #available #from the #external #signaling modules (e.g. #OSPF-TE, #ISIS-TE) is also captured in the TED database. The TED database is used to efficiently #compute #path for #tunnel #LSPs.

#TED update 4 ...
[commit 77ac9c70e846cd31b39d39b67b4b749e437fde8e] (

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

GMPLS update - 17: optimizing standard GMPLS tunnel entries

#Update d #standard #GMPLS #tunnel agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to #use standard #MPLS-tunnel entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard GMPLS tunnel indexing used earlier. The #GMPLS tunnel #entries add support for #extended #GMPLS related #attribute s like label #switching-type, #LSP-encoding, #payload-type, etc ... The standard GMPLS tunnel entries has been embedded in the MPLS tunnel entries. This will reduce the memory requirement associated with the GMPLS tunnel entries.

#GMPLS update 17 ...
[commit 971a61d72903f9e1c4531671b19f46f5307e4f03] (

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

GMPLS update - 16: removing link switching-capability descriptor from GMPLS Call framework

#Remove d #link #switching-capability #descriptor ( #ISCD ) from GMPLS #Call #framework from GMPLS module. The switching-capability descriptor has been removed as the #same #functionality is already available #from the corresponding #TE-Link #switching-capability #descriptor in #TED module. The removed data-structures indicates the switching-capability information of the remote TE-Links conveyed through the Call signaling mechanism. The same information will be populated in the TED module on signaling and used in place, so as to reduce the memory requirement.

#GMPLS update 16 ...
[commit 135474902d50d657f4fa5a6f558ac60e14e93ba2] (

Monday, October 5, 2015

GMPLS interface update - 4: optimizing MPLS interface statistics entries

#Update d #standard #MPLS-interface #statistics agent mapper routines in GMPLS module. The agent #iterator routines and #mapper #routine has been updated to use standard MPLS-interface entry based #indexing. This will access the port entries by using the #native #indexing. This removes references to the standard MPLS-interface statistics indexing used earlier. The extended entries add support for #attribute s like #count for #in-coming / #out-going #label s in use on the interface and the #count #of #error s in the #in-coming / #out-going #direction s. The standard MPLS-interface statistics entries has been embedded in the MPLS-interface entries. This will reduce the memory requirement associated with the interface statistics.

#GMPLS update 15 ...
[commit 6d33e17133a547da01ca3c7fb38fb6a09821e5de] (

Sunday, October 4, 2015

GMPLS update - 14: removing standard GMPLS label framework

#Removed #standard GMPLS #label #framework from GMPLS module. The label parameter s from the standard framework has been removed as there are #custom #label #parameter s already present to #complement the functionality. The custom parameters support #different #type s ( #global / #interface-specific / #upstream-assigned ) of #label #scope s and these can be specified optionally #linked #with either specific #interface s or #neighbor #node s. Different label ranges can be configured in the system either specific to an interface or in the global/platform scope. Also #media #specific labels ( #Ethernet / #SONET / #SDH / #OTN ) are separately indicated.

#GMPLS update 14 ...
[commit 3163bae6fe2837e5126d91c16aa77befbd2e0389] (

Saturday, October 3, 2015

GMPLS interface update - 3: added MPLS interface ADMIN-STATUS handler

Added #MPLS-interface #ADMIN-STATUS #handler routine in GMPLS module. This enables to #perform the #support #procedure s for #MPLS-interface s on ADMIN-STATUS change. The handler is register ed with the IF module and #IF #module will #execute this #call-back #on respective #parameter #change in IF module. This helps to perform the necessary procedures in GMPLS module when the ADMIN-STATUS is changed from IF module.

#GMPLS update 13 ...
[commit 600fa19af075ce8bd24df1721d14db7a15732a3f] (

Thursday, October 1, 2015

IF update - 17: adding interface create/remove handler

Added support for #logical-interface #create / #remove #handler in IF module. On #row-status #change for interfaces in IF module will #call this #handler for #perform ing the #support #procedure s in the respective module. The interface #handler has been #register ed from the #GMPLS module to complete the interface create/remove sequence for MPLS-interface s. The existing interface activation handler in IF module has been updated to use the newly added interface call-back routine.

#IF update 17 + #GMPLS update 12 ...
[commit 43ff119c1f494c3a74324b6851e0c62aba933fe8] (